Fuckup Nights Barcelona, Wed 29 May 2024 with Gemma Cernuda

Our upcoming Fuckup Nights event is going to be extra special as we celebrate our 6-year anniversary since taking over Fuckup Nights Barcelona, back on May 3rd 2018.

The night of May 29th will be a moment of collaboration with our friends of Startup Grind Mataró, part of the world’s largest startup community. We are bringing together both communities for the Opening Night of the Startup Grind Tech Summit 2024 (May 29th Bcn & 30th Mataro), featuring Fuckup Nights honest conversations about failure and showcasing the power of vulnerability to create safer and more human organisations throughout the entrepreneurial and business journey for an audience of more than 300 people.

Fuckup Night is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across +200 cities and 65 countries, we get a couple of speakers to get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their own professional fuckup. The stories of the business that crashes and burns, the partnership deal that goes sour, the product that has to be recalled, we tell them all. The Fuckup Nights community in Barcelona was born in 2015 and currently has + 4000 members, in our by-monthly events we welcome an average of 100 attendees.


  • 6:30 PM: Open Doors
  • 6:55 PM: Welcome & Intro
  • 7:15 PM: Failure, Mental Health & Resilience (Fuckup Stories + Panel)
  • 8:15 PM: Networking with food and drinks
  • 9:45 PM: End

Get your ticket and don’t miss the great lessons with the stories of our amazing speakers, the fun, the beers and the amazing people which form our beloved community.


Centre Moral i Cultural del Poblenou (C/Pujades 178, Barcelona), 08005

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