My OWN Marketing To Women Manifesto’13

My Insights from the Marketing 2 Women Conference

Chicago, 2013

1.      Today good life is defined by women. Kathy Sheenan

2.      Marketing to women is smart marketing. Nan McCan

3.      Women are feeling more in charge in the economic environment. Kathy Sheenan

4.      Women relate innovation with practical and critical things

5.      The way women relate with their best friends is like the way they relate and expect from their best brands.

6.      We want pragmatism and realism

7.      Women and men have shifts in values

8.      Being bilingual is worth 2 people

9.      Women are more pragmatically than ever before.

10. By clarifying her role, she is re-shaping her spouse role

11. Language is tactical not strategic with Latinas.

12. Is more about what you say and the cultural values that you apply to , than the fact that you say in in their language.

13. Fragmentation, transparency, connectivity, trust

14. Everything you do is the media department

15. The clients department is the media department

16. Brands cannot be patronizing or patronizers

17. 92% of the people trust recommendations when deciding a purchase.

18. 32% of the people trust advertising when deciding a purchase.

19. We are in t he relationship era: sharing, sincerity and trust.

20. 3 Cs of TRUST: Credibility+Care+Congruency

21. The level of inspiration of your team goes to the outcome of your results

22. Profit is not an end in itself, is a consequence of a sustainable relationship.Doug Levy

23. Once they like you, they want the world to know about you.The House Party

24. There is nothing more powerful than recommendations.The House Party

25. The best way to drive purchase is to try the product.

26. Brands should motivate health, build confidence.

27. She’d rather live in her motivations than in her expectations

28. Women need to give up control in order to love the life they want.

29. Independence, collaboration, authenticity, self-expression

30. Millennials don not want the filter anymore

31. A brand could be and extension of yourself

32. Design a unique experience

33. Think of who is doing the “shopping trip”

34. The CONTEXT is a s important as the Content

35. Millennials are trendsetters

36. It´s hard to create a Plum Tree brand in a pyramid culture.

37. A brand like a plum tree is alive and ever-evolving. Bonnie Ullman

38. Women are looking to brands for help

39. Women are editing their lifes

40. As a brand “make her day”!

41. As a brand “solve” don´t sell!

42. Demographics only scratch surface of what women are

43. 45% of all our behaviors are controlled by habit

44. Understanding women is strategic and imperative

45. 80% of the new products fail because they don’t connect with women.

46. Women are “more than…”

47. Women start up more new businesses  than men.

48. 74% of people explain a bad experience with a brand

49. 84% of people explain a GOOD experience

50. We’ve moved from World Street, to the Main street to MY street

51. At kimpton Hotels we want to give ridiculously personal experiences.

52. Kids do not have to be grown up to have their parent’s experiences anymore. Bridget Brennan

53. Now parents are inspirational for their kids and kids are for their parents. Bridget Brennan

54. Parents are getting younger and kids are getting older sooner. Bridget Brennan

55. There is an opportunity to think of families as a strategy in marketing. Bridget Brennan

 56. We´ve never had been in a time when we could be so elastic with brands. Bridget Brennan

57. Why women buy and want things that are harmful? Fatima Whitaker

58. We try to look something that we are not. Fatima Whitaker

59. 60% of women think that marketers do not represent them at all.

60. Think about what problems do you solve to HER.

61. Listen, transparent, responsive, authentic, create stories, intimacy

62.  65% of women are following a brand on line

63.  57% of twitter users are women

64.  57% of face book users are women

65. We have to unveil the feminine values of a brand and show them. Gemma Cernuda

66. Women decide but men are in charge. Gemma Cernuda


My 19 words to remember when talking to women…

 Listen, transparent, responsive, personal, intimacy, problem-solver, independence, collaboration, authenticity, self-expression, confidence, sharing, sincerity, credibility, care, congruency, fragmentation, connectivity, trust.


©Gemma Cernuda-Canelles

Ellas Deciden and Peix&Co

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  1. […] ya tengo los datos más relevantes que se comentaron en la conferencia. Los compartiré en el proximo post. Imprimir Tweet […]

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