The Women Buying Power Conference in 2015!
The European M2W Conference took off in Copenhagen in 2014.
And WE were part of it presenting The GenderFilter by Ellas Deciden.
The 2015 Women Buying Power Conference will be in Munich in 2015.
And WE will be part of it presenting the #PinkTax by Ellas Deciden.
I’m so excited to be part of the 2nd European Women Buying Conference that takes places every year in a different european city. The 2015th edittion will be held in Munich next february, the 26th and 27th. As part of the Munich Creative Business Week.
We’ll be 18 speakers from 9 different countries from all over and especialized not only in advertising, but also in marketing, design, branding, academics, research, producing, retail and management. A pionering conference not to miss!
Yes Women have power and they represent , at least, the 80% of it… You will get great insights from a global, gender-balanced and businesslike point of wiew that you will put into practice right away.
Let’s meet in Munich in 2 months!
A great way to begin the New year… With a more feminine ( and successful) approach !
Gemma Cernuda-Canelles
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