Ellas Deciden in Paris.

My insights from The Global Summit of Women in Paris

More than 1.300 women from 90 countries to share experiences, knowlede and networking.

Gemma Cernuda en el GSW

(With Viviane Rdding at the Conference Hall) 

It was a 3 days conference in a wonderful and glamourous Paris sorrounded by handreds of inspiring, incredible and generous women that really change the world. Here you have some of the sentences that I brought back home and made me tink and re-think about how we can have more feminine Boards and more femenine companies that will help to have a better and more sustainable society.

My own 54 points to remember from The Global Summit of Women 2014;

1. We need women&men together not men alone and women in the corner. Viviane Redding

2. It seems like men are not having children. Viviane Redding

3. Our competitiveness remains in human love, in the dialogue. Atifete Jahjaga

4. Gender inequality hurts the economy growth. Irene Natividad

5. There is no point in blaming the men; we made them. Irene Natividad

6. If you don’t set precise goals, you can not move forward. Manuel Valls

7. In 2017, in France there will be 40% of women on boards. Manuel Valls

8. France will always be on the women side. Manuel Valls

9. There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women. Miriam Sapiro

10. In 2014 there are only 17% of women on the board of directors in France. GSW 2014

11. Success is about performance. Frederic Oudea

12. What gets measured gets done. Michel Condel

13. Women do not react to the topics the same way, men do. Frederic Oudea

14. We should all know the 2o Top companies that do not have women on board and be consequent. Sol Trujillo

15. If you really want to make a gender balance, we need to put some standards. Alain Grazier

16. Resistance is really strong in big corporations. Ann Sherry

17. The “Can women have it all?” question should not be raised again. Ann Sherry

18. We have to cherish our image. Gun Novak

19. We have to be generous and confident. Mercedes Erra

20. We do not have to put “all eggs in one basket”. Gloria Bohan

21. Everything seems impossible until you try to make it. Nelson Mandela

22. If we don’t innovate, we’ll evaporate. Suam Kim Oi

23. We need to have the spirit of a warrior, the heart of a servant and the attitude of a fun loving. Catharine Barba

24. We are coming to a collaborative economy. Clara Garymard

25. The product will have the knowledge insight. Clara Garymard

26. If we are not inclusive and collaborative when we do business, no success will come out. We have to build trust to our brand. Joe Keefe

27. If you invest your money in companies that do not include women, then you are part of the problem, not of the solution. Joe Keefe

28. Get self confidence and find the right tools to do so. GSW 2014

 29. Being collaborative is the KEY to success in 2014. GSW 2014

30. How you achieve something is more important that WHAT you achieve. GSW 2014

31. The way to measure performance has changed a lot. GSW 2014

32. Nowadays softer skills are much more powerful than before. Amy McPherson

33. Let’s change the perception that if you are not in the office, it doesn’t mean that you are not working. Amy McPherson

34. 60% of the Renault cars are purchased by women. Nadine Leclair

35. It is a question of different mindset. GSW 2014

36. We need to help each other and show our goals. Be transparent. Marie Louise Caleiro

37. In order to survive, you have to have the best partner in life and work very hard. Tarja Halonen

38. We have to address the parents and the school system in order to change the education and the role models. Marie Louise Caleiro

39. Poverty doesn’t give you the advantage to change. Marie Louise Caleiro

40. InFinland we do not choose, we take the “both”.  Tarja Halonen

41. The more women are engaged in business more problems that women have should will be solved. Roza Atunbayeva

42. This is contagious; when there are more women in leading positions; more women will be willing to get there. Marie Louise Caleiro

43. Strong. Brave.Passionate. Discipline; determines leadership

44. Economy should be for the people, not people for the economy. Marie Louise Caleiro

45. It is not a matter of corruption, it is a matter of STEALLING! Tarja Halonen

46. You never can get back to your past, but you can change your future. Tarja Halonen

47. We need women at the seat to decide on boards. GSW 2014

48. How can I use my influence to help more women on the table? Casandra Kelly

49. If we do not measure something we do not care about it. Casandra Kelly

50. Media can help us to celebrate the success of women…If they make THEM visible!  GSW 2014

51. One woman on board is not enough; we need a critique mass in order to influence. Joe Keefe

52.  Unless we lean on; corporations, consumers, committees… we won’t change the situation. Joe Keefe

53. We want human centred environments in companies. Wendy Lucas Bull

54. Have always strong women behind you! GSW 2014

Gemma y embajador Bastarreche en Paris

(At the Spannish Embassy in Paris; showing my book Ellas Deciden to the 70 Spanish delegates and giving it to Mr. Carlos Bastarreche Saures; the Spanish Embassador in France)

I hope you find my insights inspiring and easy to apply, share and use…

Please give me your feed-back and thanks for reading my POSTS.

Have a great week!

Gemma Cernuda-Canelles

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