My insights from the #W50 Summit at The LSE

Thank You #santanderuniversidades !!!

Amazing summit with the most exclussive , talented , and inspirational 191 women from all over the world.

JUST One condition: to be a #W50 alumni and BE WILLING TO INSPIRE AND SHARE, to give and grow. To speak up and move forward.


My 25 #insights from the #W50 Summit at the #LSE in London last week:

1- Identify what is holding you back
2- Do not hang out with people like you and think like you do.
3- Do not compare yourself
4- End the day with a positive thought
5- Base your decisions on merit
6- Think on a circular way
7- Play the inspirational leadership
8- You grow resiliance; it does not appear spontaneously
9- From mindfulness to kindfulness
10- Help others find their strenght
11- Ask for help
12- Be a change agent
13- Be a #giver not a #taker
14- Find solutions and resolutions
15- Use facts and data
16- Escape from the impost syndrome
17- Things are not black or white: there is #GREY
18- Invent new solutions becouse we have new problems
19-Not everything can be measured
20- Empathy&Authenticity is key
21- Necessity drives invention
22- Perfect is the enemy of good
23- Make it count: solve real problems
24- Find the #comittes where you are good at and help them
25- Ego is the stop to creativity

#WomenOnBoard #EllasDeciden #Shethinking #Feminism #UCLAb

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