Are we still marketing to -only- Women?
MY INSIGHTS from the Women Buying Power Conference.
MUNICH 26-27 February
- In Spain Women decide 60% – 70% of the purchasing decisions.
- Women have more spending power than incoming salary.
- There is an estimated earned income.
- Spending UP- salary DOWN.
- Pay discrimination is a big factor.
- Women are more critical about the money and the government.
- Future women 25-30 years old; will take care of their parents and parent’s in-low.
- We need products to make their lives easier.
- Mobility; connection; memory; recognition;
- Consumption drives economy.
- The potential pregnancy case.
- Women do not buy a house; they buy the whole neighbourhood.
- Good female friendly brands;
- Inclusive Brands: Gigaset; Always; Dove; Method.
- Gender transparency.
- Put people names after products.
- Engendering cities.
- Female interaction.
- Female driven innovation products.
- Female perspective; female friendly results.
- If there is an impact on people; there is a business impact.
- Gender know-how.
- Always have a 3 option pocket.
- Human brands (masc+fem).
- Design strategy.
- #PinkTax ; is pink a luxury colour?
- Empathy economics.
- it’s all about details.
- Women empower Harley Davidson; not the other way round.
- It is very relaxing -for a women- to be doing only one thing at a time.
- A brand teaches me how to do something I had no idea how to.
- Every motorcycle we make is for women, but men drive them too.
- 40% of business travellers in the EU are women.
- In a Fem-hotel Women ask for Power shower; free wi-fi: heavy mattress and security.
- For a man, Gender, is just a concept that never has experienced.
- Inclusive innovation.
- Women intricity.
- If we ask the same questions; we’ll have the same answers.
- Do we do the right things? Or Do we do the things right?
- Necessity is the mother of innovation.
- We liked being women; we do no want to be charged for the privilege of it!
A great 3 day conferences and networking events that gathered some of the key people in northern europe workin, investing, researching and doing more femenine brands, products, designs and business. A great conference to come , to participate and to support.
Always learning ( and sharing),
Gemma Cernuda-Canelles
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