Mi crónica desde BRITE, Columbia University NYC

Un año más tuve a oportunidad de participar , este mes de marzo, en el BRITE Conference www.briteconference.com en la Columbia University de NYC. Durante 2 días más de 20 ponentes nos hablaron sobre lo último en Branding, Innovación y Tecnología. Aquí te dejo mis 23 perlas en castellano publicadas en la revista Control de Publicidad en el nº de abril, y a continuación la versión en English también. Un abrazo,Gemma Cernuda. 


And in English as well…


23 inspirational “pills”… as twits

At the BRITE conference in Columbia University 

  1. The 11 feminine values to rule the world: collaborative, reasonable, planner, loyal, expressive, flexible, intuitive, passionate, empathic, patient and selfless. John Gerzema
  2.  The world would be a better place, if men thought more like women. John Gerzema
  3.  Women, and men who think like them, will rule the future. John Gerzema
  4.  To innovate is it a SKILL or a WILL problem. Magur Aggarwal
  5.  Leave your assumptions behind. Rita McGrath
  6.  Check if what you provide is: Clear + Insightful +   Approachable + Optimistic; The C.I.A.O. Test. Jean Brandolini.
  7.  When dealing with complains… Listen + Acknowledge + Thank + Tell + Explain ; The L.A.T.T.E method By Starbacks
  8.  Willpower habits are more powerful that anything else. Charles Duhigg
  9.  45% of the things that we do everyday are not decisions that we make, they are habits! Charles Duhigg
  10.  Inspire, not just inform. David Rogers
  11.  There are 3 ways to use BIG data; to get Insight; to Innovate or to define your Strategy. David Rogers
  12.  It is never too early to start testing. Pete Koomen
  13.  Words Matter; call for action. Dan Siroker
  14.  Less is more; reduce options
  15.  Fall in love with the problem, not the solution. Karen Hanson
  16.  62% of US consumers by something in store, even when they have found out thru mobile phones that they can get it cheaper elsewhere.
  17.  Content is no longer optional, is imperative because it will be the way we ADVERTISE. Steve Rubel at Edelman
  18.  There are 3 new ways for media companies to work with BRANDS; syndication, integration and co-creation. Steve Rubel at Edelman
  19.  GREYMAIL: are the marketing messages you receive that you don’t want. Lyris
  20.  If you want to change your behaviour, change your habits. Charles Duhigg
  21.  70% of your customers are using your store site VS 40% your APP. Matt Quin
  22.  The age of image; ALWAYS collect images of what you see and share them appropriately.  
  23. A brand is a story well told. Julie Cottineau

©Gemma Cernuda-Canelles by Peix&Co™ y Ellas Deciden™

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  1. […] en su agencia de comunicación de Manhatan. John , que le conoci hace 3 meses en la conferencia BRITE de la Columbia University,  me invitó, pero desde Barcelona he querido hacer este pequeño […]

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