Mi crónica desde BRITE, Columbia University NYC
Un año más tuve a oportunidad de participar , este mes de marzo, en el BRITE Conference www.briteconference.com en la Columbia University de NYC. Durante 2 días más de 20 ponentes nos hablaron sobre lo último en Branding, Innovación y Tecnología. Aquí te dejo mis 23 perlas en castellano publicadas en la revista Control de Publicidad en el nº de abril, y a continuación la versión en English también. Un abrazo,Gemma Cernuda.
And in English as well…
23 inspirational “pills”… as twits
At the BRITE conference in Columbia University
- The 11 feminine values to rule the world: collaborative, reasonable, planner, loyal, expressive, flexible, intuitive, passionate, empathic, patient and selfless. John Gerzema
- The world would be a better place, if men thought more like women. John Gerzema
- Women, and men who think like them, will rule the future. John Gerzema
- To innovate is it a SKILL or a WILL problem. Magur Aggarwal
- Leave your assumptions behind. Rita McGrath
- Check if what you provide is: Clear + Insightful + Approachable + Optimistic; The C.I.A.O. Test. Jean Brandolini.
- When dealing with complains… Listen + Acknowledge + Thank + Tell + Explain ; The L.A.T.T.E method By Starbacks
- Willpower habits are more powerful that anything else. Charles Duhigg
- 45% of the things that we do everyday are not decisions that we make, they are habits! Charles Duhigg
- Inspire, not just inform. David Rogers
- There are 3 ways to use BIG data; to get Insight; to Innovate or to define your Strategy. David Rogers
- It is never too early to start testing. Pete Koomen
- Words Matter; call for action. Dan Siroker
- Less is more; reduce options
- Fall in love with the problem, not the solution. Karen Hanson
- 62% of US consumers by something in store, even when they have found out thru mobile phones that they can get it cheaper elsewhere.
- Content is no longer optional, is imperative because it will be the way we ADVERTISE. Steve Rubel at Edelman
- There are 3 new ways for media companies to work with BRANDS; syndication, integration and co-creation. Steve Rubel at Edelman
- GREYMAIL: are the marketing messages you receive that you don’t want. Lyris
- If you want to change your behaviour, change your habits. Charles Duhigg
- 70% of your customers are using your store site VS 40% your APP. Matt Quin
- The age of image; ALWAYS collect images of what you see and share them appropriately.
- A brand is a story well told. Julie Cottineau
©Gemma Cernuda-Canelles by Peix&Co™ y Ellas Deciden™
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[…] en su agencia de comunicación de Manhatan. John , que le conoci hace 3 meses en la conferencia BRITE de la Columbia University, me invitó, pero desde Barcelona he querido hacer este pequeño […]
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